Korisnikov avatar
By Gaja
The Answer napisao:Ja sam Quinlan, i vec sam napravio dva tima, medjutim, samo mi je u ligu ubacilo oba, nista me nije pitalo, ako admin moze da izbaci tim neka iznaci tim Kati Magiko, nije do mene.

Ja sam nov u ovoj vasoj ligi, budite dobri prema meni... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Izgleda da moram da te uklonim celog :D pa udji ponovo
Korisnikov avatar
By Karaburac
Cene su totalno glupe za neke igrace, ja napravio tim i ostalo mi jos 121 kredit u steku.
Korisnikov avatar
By Karaburac
Haha, nisam njega, ali jesam Likinog pulena :D Recicu samo da ja imam bolje misljenje o nekim igracima Metalca od lika koji je pravio Fantazi :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Karaburac
Gaja napisao:Vala Gagic je drugi najkupovaniji.
Ja se razmisljam izmedju Badera i Jevtovica :think:
EDIT: Likin tim, GAGULATORI :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sta mislis ko mu je kapiten? :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Gaja

Each official ABA League player will get his own ABA League Fantasy Challenge score for each ABA League game in which he appears. His score will be the equivalent of his official ABA League valutation in that game, plus a 10% bonus when his team wins. The bonus will not be applied if a player receives an index rating of zero (0) or lower.The index rating is calculated as follows:

Players who do not appear in a game will receive a ABA League Fantasy Challenge score of zero (0) for that week.

The captain of the team will, besides the above mentioned score, receive additional score based on the +/-statistics in the round when he is chosen to be captain.

The score of each ABA League Fantasy Challenge team is obtained adding the individual scores of its ten (10) players, negative scores included. Each ABA League Fantasy Challenge team will have a weekly score and, starting the second week, an accumulated score. New weekly and accumulated standings for all ABA League Fantasy Challenge teams will be published after the conclusion of each round of ABA League games.
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